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Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Sourcing coffee responsibly means making sure our coffee meets sustainability standards and that programs are checked by external bodies brings benefits throughout the value chain and supports the future supply of higher quality coffee.

What is Responsibly Sourced Coffee?

Making sure our coffee meets sustainability standards and that programs are checked by external bodies brings benefits throughout the value chain and supports the future supply of higher quality coffee.

Commitment to Responsibly Sourced Coffee

Our commitment to responsibly sourced coffee is the cornerstone of the NESCAFÉ® Plan. Since 2010, we have increased the amount of responsibly sourced coffee we buy from our suppliers (and farmers) to reach 75% of our global volumes. In Australia, all of our NESCAFÉ® coffees are already made from 100% responsibly sourced coffee beans.

By 2025, NESCAFÉ® globally aims to achieve 100% deforestation-free coffee and by 2026 intends to plant 20 million native trees to help increase biodiversity, and to promote soil formation and soil health.

Verification and Standards

Responsibly sourced coffee is traceable to the group of farms where it was grown and is produced in accordance with sustainability standards that have been validated as equivalent to our Responsible Sourcing Standard. Traceability and compliance are verified by independent organizations, such as 4C Services, the Rainforest Alliance, and Fairtrade, which deploy accredited local auditors to assess a range of factors, including social, environmental, economic, and health and safety conditions at farms.

Positive Benefits Throughout the Value Chain

This brings positive benefits throughout the value chain and supports the future supply of higher quality coffee. It gives us clearer visibility about where the coffee came from and how it was grown. At the same time, farmers benefit from accessing markets for sustainable coffee, improving their farming practices improving their farming practices, and earning a premium for their coffee. The “win” extends to consumers, who can make informed choices about their purchase.

Identifying and Addressing Challenges

These programs also allow us to identify challenges that need more targeted interventions. For example, we have identified labour rights hotspots, such as Mexico, and we are working to improve our ability to monitor and detect potential violations. This allows us to take focused remediation actions to support improvements as a required condition to continue commercial relations with those farms.

Partnering with 4C Services

Our partner, 4C Services, has played a major role in making our Responsible Sourcing program more inclusive to smallholder farmers. By managing many 4C farmer units ourselves since the earliest years of the NESCAFÉ® Plan, we have been able to follow the sustainability journey of thousands of our coffee farmers and realize net improvements through each re-certification cycle.

Making a Difference for You, Coffee Communities and Our World